Child Sponsorship
by H.E.L.P. International 40K Lives Impacted Uganda
I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising awareness of projects affecting [ISSUE(S)]. My Goal is ...
To develop self-sustainable communities wherever we work, while providing education and assistance.
by H.E.L.P. International 40K Lives Impacted Uganda
I'm getting creative with helping others. I've decided to focus all of my energy on raising awareness of projects affecting [ISSUE(S)]. My Goal is ...
by H.E.L.P. International 2K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Help Sponsor a Field Trip for the Students! The Field Trip Program gives students the opportunity to experience the world around them. We have been...
by H.E.L.P. International 1K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
For just $150, you can change a person’s world by helping them to start their own business in Uganda.Multigenerational poverty is common in develo...
by H.E.L.P. International 40K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Help Fund and Expand the Community Computer Labs and Learning CentersWith the help of gracious donors such as yourself, we were able to build a new...
by H.E.L.P. International 2K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Help Support the Aquaponic and Agricultural Sustainability ProjectsWe believe breaking the cycle of poverty can only be accomplished through a sel...
by H.E.L.P. International 2K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Help the Fund Medical and Healthcare for the SchoolH.E.L.P. International is committed to community health in all areas. We focus on health educati...
by H.E.L.P. International 600 Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Just $10 dollars a month will help pay for 100 meals to ensure no child goes hungry.The Meal a Day Nourishment Program was created to help give the...
by Francesca Esposito 1K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Please Help Raise Funds to Hire a School Nurse for the H.E.L.P. School in UgandaThis nurse will work closely with the H.E.L.P. team to ensure the h...
by Francesca Esposito 1K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Cohort 30 to Raise Funds to Hire a School Nurse for the H.E.L.P. School in UgandaHELP-UGANDA is a small grassroots organization run by a small grou...
by Francesca Esposito 1K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
COHORT 30 To Help Raise Funds to Hire a School Nurse for the H.E.L.P. School in Uganda Lack of Access to Health Care is a major public health cris...
by H.E.L.P. International 600 Lives Impacted Uganda
Fundraiser's story goes here
by H.E.L.P. International 550 Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
by H.E.L.P. International 40K Lives Impacted Uganda
Your Donation Helps Fund Every Special Program at the School!Thank you for considering a donation to Help-Uganda!General donations help us create a...
by H.E.L.P. International 1K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Help Raise Funds to Hire a School Nurse for the H.E.L.P. School in UgandaThis nurse will work closely with the H.E.L.P. team to ensure the health a...
by H.E.L.P. International 550 Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
This is my story
by H.E.L.P. International 2K Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
Help Provide Scholarships for Students to Attend High SchoolWe are so proud that over 93% of our students from H.E.L.P. Primary School have passed ...
by H.E.L.P. International 550 Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda
by H.E.L.P. International 550 Lives Impacted Jinja, Eastern Region, Uganda