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Chesterfield , MO, US

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

About This Field Partner

Who we are

JCI is a membership-based nonprofit organization of young active citizens ages 18 to 40. JCI members are engaged and committed to creating impact in their communities. With around 5,000 JCI Local Organizations in more than 100 countries, JCI forms a vibrant global community of nearly 200,000 active citizens. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of their community. They develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action. JCI members are active citizens from all sectors of society. Business owners. Government officials. Doctors. Entrepreneurs. Teachers. Public officials. Social workers. Students. JCI members embrace new ideas, collaboration and diversity.

What we do

As active citizens, JCI members are not just focused on charity or service to the community. Active citizenship is about creating sustainable impact. Through active citizenship, we encourage young people to take responsibility for local issues, and find targeted, sustainable solutions that benefit our communities and the world. Guided by the passion to lead the world in a new direction, JCI members have the courage to address the critical challenges of our time. Solutions to these challenges can only be reached by involving all sectors of society. JCI will be the driving force to unite government, businesses and the civil sector to collaborate for impact.

How we do it
Sustainable impact is achieved through collective action of active citizens across local communities. Designed to address all types of community issues, JCI members are guided by the JCI Active Citizen Framework, which provides a methodology for conducting impactful projects. The process consists of assessing community needs, formulating sustainable solutions and evaluating results to ensure sustainability. Community partners, business owners and government officials are engaged throughout each step of the process. The collaborative ownership of challenges and solutions by all community stakeholders is what produces sustainable impact    


JCI members constantly seek ways to live JCI's slogan, Be Better. JCI members think critically about existing problems to find sustainable solutions for a better future. We not only believe that improvement is possible in our communities and in ourselves, we believe it is our responsibility. 

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Chesterfield , MO, US

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

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