Partners In Health (PIH) provides comprehensive, community-based healthcare in resource poor settings. We build local capacity and work closely with impoverished communities to deliver high-quality health care, address the root causes of illness, train providers, advance research and advocate for global policy change.
Partners In Health and our local sister organizations partner with the Ministries of Health in the countries in which we work to revitalize public health systems - rebuilding clinics and hospitals, providing supplies and equipment, and recruiting and training local health care staff. PIH has over 15,000 employees worldwide, the majority of them from the poor communities we serve, operating in 60 health centers and clinics. PIH has long known the devastating link between poverty and disease. We work to address the root causes of these twin epidemics through our comprehensive approach to health care. We know that true health includes not only medical care, but also education, adequate housing, food and agricultural support, clean water, social assistance, and employment, and provide these in concert with medical care. PIH works in 10 countries: Haiti, Peru, Russia, the US, Mexico, Rwanda, Lesotho, Malawi, the Dominican Republic, and Kazakhstan.
Patient at Rwinkwavu Hospital in Rwanda