I am attending the Christ for All Nations Evangelism Bootcamp in Orlando, Florida. The ministry started by Reinhard Bonnke in 1974, has seen over 80 million documented salvation since it’s inception. This baton has now been passed to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. Their mission focused on one sight, and that is mass crusade evangelism. This is the time of the harvest and I am honored to be apart of it. Over the next ten years, they will train, equip and launch 20,000 evangelists for mass evangelism all over the world. Not for the faint of heart, this three-month intensive training includes rigorous components of study and service and is a fast track to the field. In just three months we will be prepared, mind and spirit, soul and body, to fulfill the plans that God has to reach the lost! This is accomplished through a very intensive training program. It's less like a Bible School and more like the Navy Seals for Evangelists, thus the name - Bootcamp. We are already seeing many salvations everyday which are accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit, in miracles and healings. God is showing up in a powerful way!
In mid-April, our team is leaving for Tanzania to prepare the ground for a mass crusade in May. It is a three-week trip and we will be back
May 9.We will be doing street evangelism, visiting schools and praying for the sick. Today is the time of great harvest and I am humbled by the Lord’s goodness! Your partnership in plundering hell and populating heaven is greatly valued and I thank God for you!
An enormous thanks to Count Me In for creating this platform for me.
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