Adam Harper's fundraiser for Arba Minch, Ethiopia
by Adam Harper 100 Lives Impacted Ethiopia
My name is Adam Harper and I want to let you know about a recent opportunity I've had to embark on a short-term mission trip to Ethiopia on June 25...
My name is Adam Harper and I want to let you know about a recent opportunity I've had to embark on a short-term mission trip to Ethiopia on June 25th. My trip is organized by e3 Partners Ministry. I will join a team of others who are taking the Gospel to the people of Arba Minch.
Our team will partner with national churches and believers to target unreached people groups with the Gospel. Each day, I will work with several local believers, including a translator, and go throughout the community, sharing Christ with those we meet.
Though Ethiopia is one of the world's first Christian nations, the current population is primarily Muslim and Orthodox. While Christianity & Islam have coexisted since the time of Muhammad, Islam is advancing by penetrating Christian areas and racking up conversions among Ethiopia's poor with bribes. In addition, the commercial sexual exploitation in Ethiopia is devastating entire villages at a time. The time is NOW to share the Gospel and introduce the lost to the hope found in Jesus. Please pray for us as we pursue this amazing and life changing experience!
I ask that you consider partnering with me on this mission trip through your prayers and financial contributions. I believe God has called me to go but this can only happen if others will join my sending of spiritual and financial supporters.
Would you consider sending me? You can do this be committing to pray for me and my mission. You can also give financially to help cover my trip expenses. The total cost is $4,300 with the the majority of these funds due by April 30th.
Thank you for your prayer and support!
In Christ,
Adam Harper
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