1/19 Wow! Thank you! It is amazing to see how God is working in everyone's heart with the donations that are coming in. Please do not be discouraged as you see my goal marker approach. Every dollar donated will help to fund this ongoing project. When this trip ends, work will continue with the churches we have and are planting. Every dollar and every pray matters! Thank you for contributing to the work of God to bring His word to areas in Tanzania. I am honored that He has filled my heart to be a part of this mission, and I truly feel loved by my Father and Good Shephard as He leads you in supporting me, Susan, and the team. Love from your sister in Christ! May His grace and mercy shine upon you!
1/18 Update: Thank you for reviewing this page. If you feel led, your support in prayers and/or funds is greatly appreciated! I will be updating my support team along this journey.
Please remember, no contribution is too small.... every dollar and every prayer is a gift unto the Lord.
Psalm 141:2
"May my prayer be set before You like incense; my uplifted hands, like the evening offering."
Current Prayer Requests:
- For
God to move any mountains or barriers both personally and for this team
(this includes finances, health, travel, spiritual warfare)
- For
God to clearly speak to me and for me to hear what it is He wants me to do
for every step of the journey (same for the team)
- For
God to move within this team to build us all up in His image as we work
together as one body to spread His love and His Word
Purpose of Mission Trip:The Lord has called me to embark on a short-term mission trip to serve alongside Him in Tanzania from March 27-April 11, 2025. I will be joining Susan Kelly's team as we take the Gospel to the locals in Pwani region of Tanzania. The Pwani region is home to the Largest unreached people group in Tanzania. Less than 1% claim to be Christ followers and most practice a variety of spirit worship. ON the first part of the trip, we will begin work in a new are training local believers to reach the local people themselves. We will use simple tools to cast vision, learn to share the gospel, and begin discipling relationships using Bible stories. The second part of the trip we will travel to another area to follow up with those previously trained and assist them in strengthening the baby churches they have established. Teh images the Lord is putting on my mind is walking like Paul and Peter planting His seeds and allowing the Holy Spirt to move through me and this team to build His Church.
Acts 1:8 (NIV)
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
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