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Dear friends,

I am excited to let you know about an opportunity the Lord is inviting me to be a part of this spring! In March, I will be traveling to Puebla, Mexico with Chad and Kristen Tabor for about a week to meet up with an organization called Cumbre Expeditions! We are considering this a vision trip, hoping to expand connections and look for open possibilities to bring more teams in the coming years. Victor and Marta, founders of Cumbre, have been longtime friends with the Tabors and have begun a ministry to college and high school students to disciple and them in the Lord through an adventure experience context, not unlike Venture Off!

Venture Off, the organization I now work for, has a mission to partner with the Holy Spirit to ignite a passion for Jesus, be transformed by Him, and make disciples through wilderness experiences. We currently take kids ranging from ages elementary through college on adventure trips, teach them skills, and give them contexts in class and in the field to learn leadership skills and be challenged in new ways. We are looking for opportunities to give students international experiences, to both challenge and build their faith and to serve the world around us in Jesus’ name.

This trip in March is specifically geared around learning from Cumbre, if and where we could be a blessing and a catalyst to more involvement in their ministry in the future. Our small team will be training their team in discipleship content by building small reproducible churches by communities of people, facilitating a high ropes course and training their team to lead it, inviting kids from the community to come experience the course, and serving them in any way we can. I am really excited for this opportunity to love on some people in a ministry space that I enjoy, to network and be a part of planning future trips, and to experience the presence of Jesus in another country again, further expanding my perspective of His Kingdom being built all over the world.

Firstly, I want to invite you to pray over this trip. Specifically, that God would give us creative ideas and opportunities to bless Victor and Marta and their team while we are there, to encourage them and their family, and help build up their ministry in whatever way we can, for the glory of God. Secondly, that He would open and provide the opportunity and vision for us to further long term connections and give creative inspiration in bringing future teams. We are longing for Him to be glorified and known more in both their teams and students they are ministering to there, as well as students and guides here stateside. Giving young people experiences that expand their global perspective of the Kingdom of God is so valuable and I am so excited to help in facilitating this for others as much opportunity has been given to me. We are asking for a clarity to the vision and steps to move forward.

Secondly, if you would like to partner with me financially, I still need to raise about $500. I have seen the Lord provide extravagantly in my life and for missions countless times before, and am excited to see him do it again. If He is prompting your heart to give, feel free to donate on this page!

I am so grateful to be a part of a community filled with people that have the Lord’s heart for mission, seeing His great commission fulfilled in the Nations in so many creative ways, and am honored by the ways you have blessed and prayed for me in the past. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or want to learn more about what we’re doing, or the place I believe the Lord is inviting us and me into.

Many blessings to you,


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  • $505 One-time Goal
  • $205 Still Needed
  • 100 Lives Impacted
  • 0 Days To Go

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Fundraiser Organizer

Bethany Hintz
United States

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Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

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Bethany Hintz's fundraiser for Puebla, Mexico - MX24A

by Bethany Hintz 100 Lives Impacted Puebla, Puebla, Mexico

Dear friends, I am excited to let you know about an opportunity the Lord is inviting me to be a part of this spring! In March, I will be traveling...

$300 One-time Donations
  • $505 One-time Goal
  • $205 Still Needed
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