Come join us as we start an adventure with God in an area that is new to e3 Partners! The people in Ngudu, Tanzania desperately need to hear a clear presentation of the gospel, most of them for the very first time! You will be God’s voice, hands and feet as you spread His Light in a place of spiritual darkness. We will work with local churches to establish house churches through door-to-door evangelism and follow-up discipleship. One team will minister in an orphanage for children with albinism, as well as the deaf and blind. Low vision optometrists, pediatric dermatologists, teachers for the deaf and teachers for the visually impaired are needed to meet the physical and emotional needs. Men, women, college and high school students are needed to share Bible stories and the gospel, play games, sing and dance, give lots of hugs, smiles and open laps to these special children. Come join us and use the skills and gifts that God has given you to minister to these very needy people. You will be a blessing and receive blessings as you participate in this expedition and lives will be changed forever!
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