Cat Reagan's fundraiser for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - ...
by Cat Reagan 100 Lives Impacted
I will be heading back to Ethiopia this summer through Watermarks young adult trip - marking my 3rd year to go! Last year was INCREDIBLE, and thro...
I will be heading back to Ethiopia this summer through Watermarks young adult trip - marking my 3rd year to go! Last year was INCREDIBLE, and through the prayers and partnership of my community we were able to travel into a new location in Ethiopia to partner with hundreds of local Ethiopian church leaders. As a result of our trip, new communities were reached with the good news of Jesus for the first time, and strong long-term relationships were made with local leaders to continue the ongoing mission to unreached villages.
The purpose of this trip is to spend time meeting with and sharing Christ’s love with the Muslim and Ethiopian Orthodox people in the Oromo region of Ethiopia. Through partnering with the E3 organization, we have built long lasting relationship with the local church to best build on what God is currently doing in their midst. We will get to travel with these local believers to villages to develop relationships, share the story of Jesus, and help plant churches with the Oromo people- who do not yet know the story of Christ’s love and redemption! After seeing firsthand God move in mighty ways through this trip the last few years, I can confidently share that from start to finish it is effective in spreading the gospel, ensuring discipleship relationships are established, planting churches, and strengthening the existing local church's.
As I prepare for this trip over the next couple of months, I would love to ask for your prayer and support! I know many of my friends and family will be unable to participate in an overseas mission trip, but by committing to pray for this trip, you are actively participating in everything God desires to do in Ethiopia and fulfilling the call of the great commission (Matthew 28:16-20).
Ways that you can partner with me:
1.) Pray for me and my team! I have committed to lead a team of 22 young adults leaving July 21-30th, and would love prayer for all aspects including support raising, training, safety, and our time in country. Pray for the Oromor people, that the gospel would be proclaimed and accepted among the people!
2.) Consider financially supporting me, if possible! The total amount of my trip will cost approximately $3,400, to be paid in the coming weeks. This will go towards transportation, logging, ministry materials, etc. If you would like to give, please see the information below. All donations are a tax-deductible donation.
Thank you for the investment you have already made in my life, and I look forward to sharing all the ways God will use this trip to proclaim the love and freedom found in Jesus.
Cat Reagan
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