Hello Everyone,
I am very excited to be joining this team and feel very blessed to going.
Our team will be traveling to Bethany Village, a rural community outside of Kampala, Uganda, on the banks of Lake Victoria. This community is made up of a primary school, a large farm, and seven orphanage homes caring for over 130 children. Bethany Village is a rural community with a strong vision to teach people and communities to become self-sustaining, in a nation where jobs are scarce. Bethany is a part of African Renewal Ministries, a long-time partner of A Jesus Church and Hear the Cry.
We will be using many different skills on this trip and hope to include members with sewing skills, construction or repair talents, expertise in business or entrepreneurship. These are some of the skills that will be useful to help Bethany continue to move towards self-sustainability and in their continued journey to develop skills that will equip young people, as they leave Bethany Village. We will be bringing supplies for the sewing room, jewelry making and needed tools and purchasing needed supplies once we arrive.
We will also spend time with these house moms and their families, who are each raising 15 children and running households by laughing, praying, encouraging and exercise! Health, fitness and other valuable life skills, will be great fun to share with these amazingly joyful people! You don't need any of the above mentioned skills, everyone will have a role that will benefit the people of Bethany!
For more information contact: info@hearthecry.org
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