East Africa Christian College (EACC)
EACC exists to train world-class leaders who can transform their communities spiritually, economically and physically. This unique, multi-denominational school emphasizes three things: Missions, Community Development and Leadership.
EACC seeks to prepare the leader’s heart—who the leader is on the inside, how the leader understands and relates to God, and how the leader can walk in integrity—as well as the leader’s hands, which are the practical expressions of ministry and leadership.
Studies indicated that the average pastor in Tanzania has the equivalent of a 6th grade U.S. education and has had little or no leadership training. In addition, many grew up attending classes with high student to teacher ratios and learned only through rote memorization. They were not taught the critical thinking skills necessary to solve the complex problems facing Africa today.
EACC seeks to address these issues by providing critical training that many East Africans cannot get anywhere else.
In addition, EACC regularly sponsors seminars and other training opportunities for pastors and church leaders throughout the region.
Find out more on our website at
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