Biblical wisdom and academic evidence show there is nothing more significant to a child than the love of a family. This sense of belonging provides life-long hope, a rooted identity, and greatly improves a child’s development.
In the past few years, we have shifted from a child-centered focus to a family-centered focus by adding family strengthening to our holistic care model. We have seen tremendous healing, connection, and spiritual growth in our children through this program. We know “God sets the lonely in families” and we have seen all He has done through family strengthening. Your child will still need to remain in the BTCM program due to their vulnerability, but family strengthening will ensure they have a long-term community home after they complete higher education.
Now we want to give you an opportunity to help provide family strengthening for your children’s families.
This commitment will be one of anonymity, the family will not know you are supporting them. We feel this is crucial so that our Ugandan social workers can be the empowering champions and our families can focus on their personal growth. However, you will receive email updates about the family's progress a few times a year.
Thank you so much for your faithful love and support of our mission here within BTCM! Please feel welcome to reach out to us if you have any questions.
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