Feed Their Tummies began as a response to an urgent need for food at a small orphanage in the heart of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.
In November of 2013, a group of mommas linked arms and raised funds for a food delivery to this extremely under-resourced orphanage.

When the food was delivered, a dear and trusted friend entered the gates to children calling out {in Lingala} ''Maman aye nzala esili", which, translated in English means, "mom comes, finish hunger!"
We didn't know how much we could raise. We just wanted to do something, even if it felt like a drop of rain in the vast sea of need.
And, that is what we have learned...
Our something may feel small.
Our something may feel insignificant.
But, God. God is big.
He will use what we offer up to Him.
He took this small step and turned it into an outpouring of provision.
What started as a simple response to a need, has grown and developed into a partnership with an incredible Congolese-run organization:
Mwangaza International.
{Mwangaza is a trusted organization with a bold mission: to bring the light and relief of Jesus to the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo and of the world. They have been working in the DRC since 2006}.
Today, we have joined hands with Mwangaza International to feed 150 children in two locations. One orphanage houses young girls, ages 6-14, who have been rescued from sex trafficking. The other houses 120 orphaned young boys and girls of all ages. The children are living in orphanages that are places of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. They receive medical care, an education and counseling.
Feed Their Tummies is coming alongside the good work Mwangaza is already doing to provide these girls with three nutritious meals each and every day. Before our program, the children were eating once a day and not receiving adequate nutrition due to lack of funding. They are now all eating three nutritious meals each day.

The need is still vast. We need YOU. We need partners in this mission to feed tummies... basic provisions, reminders that these children are not forgotten, they are loved. They are precious. They are worthy.

When you give here on Pure Charity, your tax-deductible gift goes directly to the purchase of food for these children. Our overhead costs are minimal {a 5% processing fee for Pure Charity administrative costs and a $28 wiring fee each month to send money to the team in Kinshasa} ... as we desire to send every dollar donated directly to Congo for food. We will also keep this site updated with photos of food deliveries and updates on the children. You will truly be partnering with us as we invest in these little lives.
Please know that every gift matters! Whether you can give $1 or $100, your gifts will go toward ensuring these children are fed and receive love and care from our team in Kinshasa! There is an option to give a one-time gift or to give a monthly, reoccurring donation of any amount.

Our hope is to see Feed Their Tummies continue to expand to serve more orphaned and vulnerable children in need. We believe no child deserves to be hungry. We are excited about the opportunities before us and ask that you join us as we change lives!
Feed Their Tummies is a registered DBA of
Global Restoration Trading Co.
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