Garrett Jackson's fundraiser for South Asia - XP22D
by Garrett Jackson 100 Lives Impacted
There are ~3 billion unreached[1] people in the world. People who have little access to the gospel. People who will be born, live, and die without ...
There are ~3 billion unreached[1] people in the world. People who have little access to the gospel. People who will be born, live, and die without hearing that Jesus Christ is God and has given “his life has a ransom for many” “...and there is salvation in no one else.“[2]
This year my community group at Watermark has been really convicted about this. We want to be followers of Jesus, who impact lostness and work towards shrinking that ~3 billion number. So we've been actively engaging the refugees and immigrants in our neighborhoods. We've been reaching out personally evangelizing as well as meeting their physical needs through Watermark's Urgentcare Clinic.
In addition, we’re planning on traveling to South Asia [3] to tell people about Jesus (and the hope that he brings). We’ll be serving under some long term international workers and local Christians, as we look for homes of peace where people’s hearts are ready to hear the Good News of Jesus. We’re praying that more than just connecting with people; that God would build (using our local friends) growing groups of Christians.
Please consider partnering with us:
If you have any questions, please ask me! It would be a joy to be able to talk through some of these things with you.
[1] Depending on who’s counting and how definitions are written.
[2] Mark 10:45; Acts 4:12
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