Friends and Family,
In Matthew 28 Jesus spoke to His disciples telling
them “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” This summer, I
have the opportunity to join in on the Great Commission by taking part in a
mission trip to the Amazon Region of Brazil. After much prayer about the way a
teacher should spend her time and energy over summer break, I felt called to
take the talents God has given me to the mission field. We will be taking teams
to participate in various types of ministries, including evangelism & discipleship,
medical and dental, vacation bible school, women’s and men’s ministries and
construction. I plan to serve on the vacation bible school team to reach the
children of Brazil.
To make this trip possible I will need both financial
and prayer support. I need to raise $3,300 towards the cost of
the trip. Any financial support would be greatly
appreciated! The deadline for this amount to be received is June 2. If you feel
called to be a financial donor I would love to talk to you, before or after the
trip, to share more about the mission. You can reach me by email at The easiest way you can give is by credit/debit card, through
the donation button on this fundraising page.
I believe that God is already at work in my life
and the lives of the people along the Amazon River as we prepare for this trip.
Please join me in praying for the lives we will touch. Pray that God takes your
investment and multiplies & magnifies it for His glory.
In Him,
Haley Padgett
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