As many of you know God has called me to full-time vocational ministry. Over the past couple of years I have felt God speaking to my heart about international missions. I have considered many short term trips but never felt confirmation about going on any. My church, Prestonwood Baptist has been taking trips to the amazon for the past 15 years to help people both physically and spiritually. Most people in the Amazon have no access to clean water, churches, etc. This year I have been praying about joining our young singles team this November as they minister to the people in the Amazon. I need your help, please consider supporting me in 2 ways. First please support me in prayer. Pray for our team as God prepares our hearts and minds and that e will be empty vessels for Him to speak through. Secondly, please consider supporting me financially. I cannot afford to pay for this trip on my own and I am trusting God to provide.
Trusting in Him,
Hannah Morris
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