I have the wonderful opportunity to return to Ethiopia with my church Watermark Community Church and e3 Partners Ministry this year to help encourage the church in Ethiopia and share the good news of the gospel. This will be my third time going to Ethiopia, and I can’t wait to go see my Ethiopian family again. There are two teams going this summer and my team will be going August 2nd through August 11th. There are two things that have stood out to me about the Ethiopian people over the past two years. The first is their hospitality. We go to Ethiopia during the rainy season and we spend a lot of time walking in the rain and mud. However, without fail our team has been invited into homes, given seats of honor, and offered food and coffee. This is a great way to share the gospel with these families and always challenges me in how I show hospitality back home. The second thing I have come to love about the Ethiopian church is how they pray. They do not hold back when talking to the Lord, and I have spent the last year deepening my prayer life because of what I witnessed God do through prayer while in Ethiopia. On one particular day last year, we ate lunch in the village church and after lunch the church leaders asked if we could pray for the church. They were a new church plant and were experiencing hardships from being a growing church as well as persecution from the Muslim community in the village. We had an American and Ethiopian pray for the church. While the Ethiopian was praying, the Spirit of God moved and all of a sudden everyone in that church was on their knees before the Lord. We walked out of that building completely overwhelmed by who God is and how He moves.
As I prepare to go back to this beautiful country, first and foremost, I want to ask for your prayers for God to prepare the hearts of those we will encounter and share the gospel with while we are in Ethiopia. Pray for our team as we prepare to go and for our trip leadership, that they may have discernment and guidance as God leads in this exciting adventure. Pray for our Ethiopian translators and disciple makers and for the people who get to hear about the love and grace of Jesus.
Secondly, I would ask you to prayerfully consider giving to help pay for the cost of the trip. These funds will go toward transportation, food, lodging, translators, and supplies.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
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