Going to Brazil has always been something I had only hoped to do. This spring I will have the opportunity to not only go to the beautiful country, but be able to use the skills that I have learned and am continuing to learn as a future Occupational Therapist. Being able to serve is something that I enjoy as I feel it helps me to connect with Christ whose daily mission was to serve.
I will be joining SIMS (Students for International Mission Service) on a mission trip that will make a large impact on both the natives as well as to myself. We will be partnering with Missoes Noroeste SDA Brazil, a non-profit organization through the Adventist Conference in Manaus, Brazil. With this group, we connect with local Brazilians and villagers by providing health fairs and health education. We will also help lead Vacation Bible School, provide health fairs, lead worship in the local villages, and a whole lot more!
Whatever you'd be willing to donate is greatly appreciated! Thank you ahead of time for helping to make a dream a reality and I will be looking forward to sharing the stories as well as video of how amazing this trip was!
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