Aclaprotech Academy An education and community development initiative of Help One Now, Aclaprotech serves as a primary school and professional studies program for the Delmas community of Port-Au-Prince. It will also serve as a community hub, seeking sustainable systems to meet the basic needs of the community..
The Reality
In 2010, a devastating earthquake hit the country of Haiti, leaving nearly 300,000 dead and 1.5 million displaced. It is estimated that after the earthquake, the number of orphans in the country rose to over 500,000. While these statistics are daunting and hard to verify, there's no question that the after effects of the quake have continued to ripple through the country. This school lies directly beside the former site of Haiti's largest "tent city," assembled on the grounds of Haiti's only golf course. Somewhere between 60,000 -- 100,000 people were forced to make this cluster of tents made from tarps and pieces of tin their home. Most of the people have since been relocated into more permanent housing, but the need for jobs and education is greater than ever.
The Program
ACLAPROTECH -- The ACademy for CLAssical, PROfessional, and TECHnical Studies -- was founded and is managed by Pastor Jean St. Cyr, and his son Junior. The school began on a small scale many years before the earthquake, but the need for affordable education became even greater as many fled to the tent city for refuge.
Pastor St. Cyr started a church in the middle of the tent city, and held services every night of the week for 7 months, and two nights a week for the past 5 years! He also continued the school in its original building, but the structure was badly damaged from the earthquake and was a potential danger in the long-term. St Cyr and his church have since been able to construct a new building that houses both the church and school. Right beside where the tent city once was, the church still works to meet the needs of those most affected by the quake. The school is now home to nearly 75 students and is working to become one of the highest quality schools in the area, as well as the most affordable.
The Future
The St. Cyrs passion for education and development do not stop at the primary school level. Over the next few years, we will work along side these leaders to open up a secondary school, as well as a vocational training center for the people of this community. We will also begin a clean water project that will provide safe and clean drinking water to the entire community at a fraction of what it now costs. These leaders want to see their people thrive, and we believe that it can be done through long-term relationships, meeting social needs, and a deep investment in quality education and job creation.
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