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Musha Wevana Village an orphan care initiative of Help One Now in Marondera, Zimbabwe - currently provides a home and holistic care for over 100 orphaned children. Musha Wevana strives to provide the resources for children to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The Reality

Help One Now began in 2007 when founder and CEO Chris Marlow crossed paths with a group of homeless orphaned children at an abandoned gas station at 4AM in Harare, Zimbabwe.

In his words, “My life changed forever. I still vividly remember the scene as I hopped out of the van. I was immediately surrounded by dozens of kids. One in particular grabbed my arm, looked me in the eye and said:

Sir, thank you for visiting my country, I’m sorry it’s in the shape that it’s in. I don’t want to beg you for food, but I’ve had nothing to eat for days. Is their anything I can do, to work for you, so I can get something to eat?

I was speechless, confused and tired. I looked this boy in the eye and said, ‘No, I have nothing for you’.  We got back in the van and drove away.

I was devastated. I am still devastated.

As we drove away, I committed in my heart to fight for the orphan for the rest of my days! By mid-2009, we had launched Help One Now, and we have been serving orphans in Zimbabwe for 5 years through our amazing local leader.”

Zimbabwe, once an apparent success story in post-colonial Africa, has tragically spiraled down to one of the world’s most fragile states because of its polarized and oppressive political landscape, waning state legitimacy, and failed economy. Dictator Robert Mugabe has been the country’s only ruler since majority rule began in 1980, and per capita GDP is only $600 per year. A staggering 15% of the population are living with HIV/AIDS (not to mention the countless victims already claimed by this epidemic), and almost 10% of the overall population are orphaned children. The people of Zimbabwe, however, are brilliant, beautiful and resilient, and we are honored to partner with them to build a better future!

The Village

Founded by John Chinyowa and Family Praise Fellowship Church, Musha Wevana Village is home to over 100 orphaned and abandoned children in Marondera, Zimbabwe. The kids are loved and cared for by the Musha Wevana staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They are well fed, clothed and counseled. They are part of a vibrant church community, and they’re going to school to get an education. They have a safe home, a good bed, and the comfort of family. And our commitment to these kids is for the long haul—university, trade school, and employment. We will work to see these children become responsible and productive members of Zimbabwean society. In the words of Pastor John, “We continue to serve these children knowing that they will one day be the leaders of our nation.”

The Village also serves as a hub for community development work including healthcare, micro lending, leadership development, clean water wells and more.

The Future

Moving forward, we will continue to serve the children of Musha Wevana Village, and we are dedicated to partnering with our local leaders to address the complex issues they are facing. Over the next three years, our primary goals encompass a need to shift focus toward the reunification of children with their families and ensuring successful transition of children out of Musha Wevana.
We will work together to develop and implement a transition program for children 18 years of age who have “graduated” from Musha We Vana. We would like to see these children go on to gain employment, be able to meet their needs and become leaders within their communities.

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  • 5,000 Lives Impacted
  • 2485 Days To Go


Help One Now - Zimbabwe
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2485 Days to go
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Help One Now - Zimbabwe - Musha Wevana

by Help One Now 5K Lives Impacted Zimbabwe

Musha Wevana Village an orphan care initiative of Help One Now in Marondera, Zimbabwe - currently provides a home and holistic care for over 100 or...

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