Yahve Shamma
is a children’s home in Petionville, Haiti, that Help One Now has had the privilege of walking alongside for the last 5 years, helping to bring strength, stability, and health to Pastor Gaétan Alcégaire's vision. Currently, 30 orphans receive care, provision, and—most importantly—love, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Yahve Shamma also serves as a community hub for a place that suffered great loss in the 2010 earthquake. In addition to the 30 children living at Yahve Shamma, almost 300 other children from the surrounding community currently attend school at Williamson Adrien Academy, a school Help One Now funded and built on the property in 2013.
Williamson Adrien Academy
a two story, 14 classroom school house that officially opened in the fall of 2013, is entering it's third year of operation. Where a tent-like structure of tarp and poles once stood, an impressive building now stands. Where volunteer teachers and 150 kids once met subject to the elements, over 300 students and 20 certified teachers now meet in a safe learning environment. But the story—the LEGACY—is just beginning. Over time, thousands of Haiti’s children will receive a good education at this school. Education today. Change tomorrow.
As the school has grown and improved, it's time to add new grade levels! And with the addition of grades levels (first 9th, then 10th, and so on) we need to build 3 new classrooms onto the second floor of the school building. This was part of the plan from the beginning, and the time has come to knock this project out! Join us in empowering these kids with the HOPE of EDUCATION.
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