As many of you know, serving overseas as an SLP has been on my heart since I graduated from grad school 6 years ago. During my first short term mission trip to Malawi in 2010, I saw the need for helping children with disabilities. I didn’t like that they seemed excluded from part of the community because their inability to participate in the same way as others. Since that time, I have wanted to return to Africa and allow God to use me and any knowledge and experience I could gain about communication support for children with disabilities. This year I have the opportunity to go to Uganda!
My connection to Uganda started in 2018. First, it was supposed to be where my team went for ministry after my Discipleship Training School with Youth witha Mission - this trip never happened (a longer story for another time). Then, I became friends with a woman from Uganda and her young son with a developmental delay. My friendship with them has been an unexpected gift. They came to Canada as refugees and have been opening my eyes to a new culture, understanding of the world, and greater compassion for others.
I found the organization I will be working with, Hope Speaks, on Facebook! Hope Speaks is a wonderful ministry to help children with disabilities in Kampala, Uganda. 1 in 7 children are living with a disability. Their main ministry is providing Speech Therapy to hundreds of these children. They teach them to swallow, chew, understand and express language, and so much more. Hope Speaks has gone beyond that and also includes hosting other groups who help with projects, food for families, children's day camps, and going and serving in the slums.
Would you kindly consider partnering with me? Every prayer and donation is important and will enable me to be present and help these children with disabilities. Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.
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