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About this Fundraiser

Thank you so much for visiting this donation page. We feel privileged for serving the Lord as a family in e3 Partners Ecuador. God has done wonderful things in our country through e3 and in this page you are invited to join us as a partner and friend in this great work through your donation to this Ecuador fund.

Many have come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the word of our Lord is being spreading bringing salvation, relief and purpose to our people, the new believers are being discipleship so new churches have begun!

If you want to be a part in what God is doing in Ecuador let´s do it! It takes a lot of work and resources. We need you in prayers, donations and presence if you are able to come to spread God´s love in Ecuador.

It would be a blessing for you to be our partner. If you want to help us, please just click the button that says DONATE TO THIS FUNDRAISER and fill out the form.  You can give a one-time gift if you choose but to be honest we need some monthly supporters. Please prayerfully consider helping us with a recurring gift each month.

God bless you, our prayer is that you will one day be with us in Ecuador.

Jairo and family

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e3 Ecuador
By e3 Partners
Fundraise for this Cause

Field Partner

e3 Partners 130M
Plano, TX, US
e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting i...
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Fundraise for this Cause

Fundraiser Organizer

e3 Partners
Plano, TX, US

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