From Jenni:
"...Here am I Lord, Send Me!" Isaiah 6:8
I have an awesome opportunity this Summer to travel with my church, West Rome Baptist, to Iquitos, Peru & surrounding areas. God has spoken loudly to me about this journey. The focus of the trip is to Conduct Training Seminars for.... EDUCATORS! How perfect is that for me? I believe God has put me on a path through teaching school for 8 years, homeschooling my children, and being a private tutor. Each of these experiences has given me a unique perspective about education. I have no idea HOW my skill set will be used to help the teachers in Peru, but I do know that God knows. I find so much peace and joy in knowing this. But, I need your support. Above all, I covet your prayers. I have never done a mission trip on this level. I have barely even flown! (Twice in my adult life, none before that!) I have never trained another teacher. I am sure that the devil will be feeding me lies about my fears and inadequacies. Please pray for me to find strength in God and to seek His word for assurance. Please Pray for the people of Peru to prepare to accept the help we will be there to offer.
Unfortunately, I will also be in need of support financially. Without fundraising, I will be unable to bear the burden of the trip. But, this is not a worry that I stress. I know God will provide opportunities to earn extra money. If you feel led to support me financially, I would greatly appreciate your help in providing this opportunity.
The trip expense is all inclusive, covering flight, supplies, hotel, and food. It is estimated that the flight will be $1000, the expenses "on the ground" (food, hotel, etc) will be $750, and the Supplies that we plan to take will be $500.
I am happy to answer any questions you have about my trip. If I don't know the answer, I will find it out for you.
Thank you!
From Help One Now:
Our short-term mission trips, or what we call learning journeys or pilgrimages, are important and vital if done right. Our trips tend to be fast-paced with a lot of focus on “learning” as opposed to “doing.” We want you to enter into the story of the country you’re traveling to, connect with the community, build deep relationships, and understand how we can partner together to make a long-term impact. We desire for our trips to get away from the traditional missions model, seeking to follow our indigenous leaders advice and serve in a manner that is most beneficial.
“On a typical Mission Trip, participants feel a sense of accomplishment…afterward, they talk about what they DID and who they HELPED. On a Help One Now Pilgrimage, participants feel a sense of tension and unrest…afterward, they talk about what they LEARNED and what they HOPE to accomplish moving forward. They become advocates. The end of the trip becomes a starting line.” -Lamar Stockton, Help One Now International Director
As a Linchpin Partner church, this Pilgrimage Trip will be a special time for you to experience the tangible fruit of your labor. You will meet the children you sponsor, see the projects you funded, and gain first hand insight into the overall impact of your commitment to partnership.
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