Hello friends and family! I have the amazing and humbling
opportunity to travel to Ethiopia this summer to work with Addis Ababa, which
is an organization that partners with local schools and orphanages. We plan to run a camp for the younger children and
engage the older children at the learning center with activities such as
playing musical instruments, art, sewing, cooking, crafts, photography, sewing
and soccer. This is a trip to encourage and live alongside those at Elevate
Orphan! Working with a non-profit is something I’d love to do in
the future, taking counseling into underserved countries. I feel that this
opportunity will be a great way to get my feet wet and experience a different
culture while serving others! I would love for you to join me in prayer as I
head to Ethiopia July 15-24. Prayers for safe travels, energy, safety while in
Ethiopia, and clarity and peace if this is something I’d like to do
I am also seeking financial support if you feel lead to
donate to this trip. I hope to raise $2500 in total to cover the cost of my
Please reach out if you have any specific questions!
In Christ's joy and love,
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