I (Jill) went on a mission trip in 1993 to Boa Vista, Brazil.... years before kids! It was one of the most memorable experiences of my spiritual life. So, when my sixteen year old daughter approached me several months ago and said, "Mom, I think God is calling me to go to Peru this summer", I knew it was time for me to go back! Perhaps I should tell you I prayed and prayed about whether to go with her... but I did not. I know that the Lord commands us to go the ends of the Earth and I knew my heart still desired to go back to South America. I asked God (just once) to close the door if He did not want me to go. Well, the door still feels open so, here we are. Thank you for praying for Meredith and I as we pursue God's leading to Peru. The financial requirements look imposing but I have a faithful and generous God. Thank you for considering being a part of His provision!
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