Join me in making this mission trip a reality!
Loma Linda University Orthotics and Prosthetics program has consistently participated in international mission service opportunities since 2015. Range Of Motion Project (ROMP) is a non-profit organization that provides prosthetic care to amputees with limited resources in Ecuador.
I’ve adapted LLU’s motto “To Make Man Whole” as my own. My goal is to seek opportunities to make life better and to lift those who need help by serving internationally through outreach.
In October, I had the opportunity to return to my home country of the Philippines to utilize my experience by supporting the nation’s O&P needs. I give back to show appreciation of blessings I’ve received to get where I am now. I hope to serve again next year, this time in Ecuador.
Though these mission trips create additional expenses, they are the driving force in my journey of becoming whole as a clinician as I pursue “to make man whole” wherever patients may be.
Please consider supporting LLU O&P's mission service trip to Ecuador in collaboration with ROMP. I appreciate any help I can get to serve others!
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