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JP and Beryl Mugendi Serving Youth in Kenya

JP and Beryl Mugendi Serving Youth in Kenya

Nakuru, Nakuru County, Kenya
  • $6,475
    One-time Donations
  • $365
    Monthly Donations

About this Fundraiser

I am writing to ask you to join my wife, Beryl, and I in financial and prayerful support of God’s call on our lives to youth in Kenya.

We have served the Lord in full-time ministry for more than sixteen years. Ten of those with Cru and the reminder with the Africa Gospel Church in Nairobi. We are currently in Nakuru as youth pastors serving struggling youth through gospel based mentoring and discipleship.

For 10 years we raised our support with Cru. When we transitioned to the local church ministry, they were able to provide our salary.

In 2020 we were led to move back and work in Nakuru, Kenya. This meant we would take home a lower salary of $380 each month. We called it a faith move and thought we could make it work. We knew the pay would be tight for rent, groceries, diapers, medical, education, savings, our parents’ hospital coverage and more.

In Nirobi our 2 school-going boys, Liam, 9, and Nathaniel, 7, were in public school. Yet when schools openned back up this year the public schools were full and our only option was a private school at an unexpected cost of $75 a month for each boy. The last few months we tried our best, but it has been tough and we are struggling and feel stuck.

That’s why we are reaching out to a few friends like you to prayerfully consider helping us cover the financial gap that we have in ministry. Our goal by March 30th is $200 monthly.

Would you consider a $30 or $50 monthly gift through People Bridge for the next 2 years?  This would help give our sons Liam and Nathaniel this gift of education and help cover our budget so we can fully focus on youth ministry together.  

We have partnered with our friends Brian and Erin Clark through People Bridge where you can easily send in your monthly contribution for ease of remittance to us. Thank you beyond words for entering our story with us!

We love you friends.


JP and Beryl

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  • $1,000 One-time Goal
  • $200 Monthly Goal
  • 200 Lives Impacted
  • 294 Days To Go

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People Bridge 0
Orlando, FL, US
Encouraging People By Purposefully Entering Their Story.
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People Bridge
Orlando, FL, US

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Nakuru, Nakuru County, Kenya

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294 Days to go
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JP and Beryl Mugendi Serving Youth in Kenya

by People Bridge 200 Lives Impacted Nakuru, Nakuru County, Kenya

I am writing to ask you to join my wife, Beryl, and I in financial and prayerful support of God’s call on our lives to youth in Kenya.We have serve...

$6,475 One-time Donations
$365 Monthly Donations
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