My name is Kathy Fletcher most call me Ms. Kathy. I’m 59 years young and a member of Fivestone since we were (JRBC- Jupiter Rd. Baptist Church and Firewheel) It’s been 29 years!
I accepted Christ when I was 32yrs old and going through one of the toughest times in my life-a failing marriage and separation that eventually ended in divorce, being a single mom to my then 3 year old daughter and 7 year old son, having no immediate resources of what to do, fear of losing my home, filing bankruptcy to keep my home, losing my car, mounting debt and constant creditor calls that almost sucked the life out of me.
One day while attending service I heard a voice in my head that said, “I love you, you know me, you need me, what are you waiting for?” I got up from the pew, gave my daughter to my friend, and went to the altar where I accepted that Jesus died on the cross for my sins! Forme! At that time I didn’t know what it all meant. I remember being happy, anxious, scared,(like what have I done), but willing to find out more.
What have I learned since that day? I call them my who, what, when, where, and why's!
[WHO]~I learned that who I am is a child of God (his daughter) created for Him to serve in a purpose for His Kingdom that only I can.
[WHAT]~What I want the world to know is that there is a loving God (my Father) who created us, who loves us, and who will never leave us! He gave His only son Jesus who died on the cross, was buried and after 3 days rose again to atone for my/our sin (past, present, and future). He gave us the Holy Spirit who lives in us to help us navigate this life on earth.
[WHEN]~When God created me He gave me a purpose and a heart to love Him and to share His love with others! To teach, coach, and train in the way He has gifted me. My love for Him and the souls of others keeps me talking about Him everyday!
[WHERE]~I learned that my where is EVERYWHERE! The desire He placed in my heart (before time began) was aligned with the action of obedience in 2017 when I went on my first mission trip to Africa after saying “no” for 10 years. My where is also my job, the grocery store, my neighborhood, my little ones in Sunday school, and yes,Tanzania Africa!
[WHY]~Why do I go? I’ll sum it up in a few reasons:
1. I realized that the ultimate price or sacrifice that Jesus paid was His life for mine. He died so I can live!
2. It’s hard to contain and keep it to myself that God, through the Holy Spirit, is transforming me from within, to live the life He has purposed for me.
3. It’s also my responsibility to go and tell in my EVERYWHERE of our Triune God who loves us, of Jesus who saves us, and of the Holy Spirit who leads us!
How can you help you ask?
1. Prayer- Join our team in praying for the mission ahead. Pray for God to show you your part to play in His Kingdom. Pray for our safety, health and well-being. Pray against the attacks of the enemy that may already be starting. Pray for divine appointments and for hearts ready to hear the Good News and for those who have already accepted but just need encouragement to continue the work.
2. Give- Support us financially. Whatever that looks like and whatever God has laid on your heart to do. There is no amount too small when used for His Kingdom and His glory. My 3s and 4s Sunday school class give what they have because that’s what they have (its really a beautiful picture).
3. Go- Be purposeful in sharing what you have been given. Share your faith as you are going about your day in your EVERYWHERE. And yes, if God lays it on your heart to go to Tanzania…GO!!!
Beloved to the King,
Ms. Kathy
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