Lack of healthcare due to poverty is evident in countries throughout our world. Traveling to these places and seeing the need can be overwhelming. Discouraged, I think to myself, “How can I make a difference?” The Lord did not bless me beyond measure so that I can live comfortably; He gave me abundance so that I can give generously to those in need. Medical missions has been on my heart for some time now, and the Lord graciously provided a way for me to be one of 11 pharmacy students with the opportunity to travel to Yurimaguas, Peru.
Yurimaguas is a thriving port city of 64,00 residents located in northern Peru along the Amazon River basin. Strategically situated between the Huallaga and Paranapura rivers, it is a critical trade center for hardwoods and petroleum. However, the people of Yurmaguas have limited access to necessary healthcare. We will join with other pharmacists, doctors, and nurses to provide medical aid, and to share the message of eternal hope in Jesus Christ. Please pray for my team and me as we prepare for this exciting journey.
It is our job as Christians to share with those who are in physical and spiritual need. As Luke 12:48 says, “Much will be required of everyone who has been given much. And even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more.” We should not only look for ways that we can help those whose lives are crushed in monetary poverty, but also those who have poverty of the soul. We will be providing care through medicine, and more importantly sharing Christ with the people of Yurimaguas. We realize we cannot do this alone and trust that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the Peruvian people.
In order to go to Peru, I need your help. Your prayers and financial support will be a great blessing to many, so I ask that you please consider partnering with me. My goal is to raise $2800. This will help furnish the medications and eyeglasses that we are taking with us to Yurimaguas. Every donation is important and will help tremendously no matter how small. By donating and providing prayer support, you are a part of God’s work in Peru. I look forward to seeing how the Lord will move as I take this step of faith. May He receive all the glory!
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