The Lord has graciously given me another opportunity to partner with what He is doing through His people across the Globe. I believe there is nothing worth pursuing apart from Jesus and it humbles me that he would allow us to have any fragment in His pursuit of His people.
Broken, unworthy, and selfish – apart from Christ I have nothing to offer.
Redeemed, Made New, and through the transformative power of God’s Word and His people I have come to realize that a heart will not be at rest and a soul will not be satisfied by passionate pursuits of anything apart from Jesus.
As an administer of reconciliation, agent of change, and a person of peace, our mission is to share Christ's love with the Muslim & Ethiopian Orthodox people in the Oromo Region of Ethiopia. We are partnering with Ethiopian believers to build relationships, share Christ, and plant churches among an Oromo people group that don't know of Christ's love & redemption.
My prayer is that you would be reminded of the Joy of your salvation and consider partnering with me prayerfully and financially.
In light of eternity, a lot of things do not matter, but in light of eternity, a lot of things do.
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