Big news! I am heading to Michoacan, Mexico with e3 Partners and Joy FM July 23-30. I am excited to share my faith with others and get to know the local people and culture. Please share your support and prayers!
Mexico is a country desperate for the clear gospel of Jesus Christ. For centuries the people of Mexico have labored to find the message of salvation by faith in a culture that teaches salvation is gained through a religious system of works. This expedition will be working among the Purhepucha indigenous people of eastern Michoacan. We will conduct eye clinics for residents unable to afford reading glasses. The Lord has allowed us to continue developing a solid work with local leaders with the Purhepucha people who are committed to reaching this area for Christ. Come with us and proclaim the gospel as ministers of reconciliation in establishing new house churches with the Purhepucha of Michoacan.
Confia en el Senor de todo corazon y no en tu propia intelligencia. Reconocelo en todos tus caminos, y el allanara tus sendas. Proverbios 3:5-6
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