At Laundry Love, ALL are welcomed and our hope is they leave with not just clean clothes but dignity, full bellies, and full hearts
Every month for the last 11 years, through Laundry Love, we have been able to provide clean clothes to some truly beautiful people in NWA. The first Friday of each month in Rogers, something unique and special happens at Laundry Love. People come into a laundromat and they feel welcomed by people who faithfully return and call them by name. We provide free loads of laundry to any and all who walk through our doors at Westwood Laundry in Rogers. They are also greeted with a hot meal, crafts for their kids and lots of smiling volunteers. Laundry Love is a national organization with hundreds of events across the country each month that meet the needs of low-income and unhoused families. Our experience has been that Laundry Love has become a part of our friends' monthly budgets. Offsetting this expense each month allows them more to spend their resources on food, medicine, gas, and their children's needs.
In Rogers, AR we serve an average of 80 people with 130 loads of laundry per month. Providing laundry for one family costs an average of $20 and to sponsor one night of Laundry Love is $400.
For NWA Gives this year, we're asking our community to join us in our goal of making the biggest impact in Rogers throughout 2020:

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