What is Laundry Love?
Laundry Love Projects partner with community volunteers to provide clean clothes to those living in situations of poverty in Northwest Arkansas. It is our mission to take laundromats and convert them into hubs of relief, granting a reprieve to those living in oppressive poverty. Laundry Love events provide people, without the resources to do so, a way to have clean laundry. The hope is to build relationships and share a meal while restoring the dignity that occurs when having clean clothes. We also hope to limit the hard choice between clean clothes and other necessities.

What does Laundry Love look like during COVID?
For the past year, we have switched our events to be drive-thru versus meeting inside the laundromats. We are still about welcoming, serving, & meeting the need of clean clothes with kindness, but our method of delivering supplies has been adjusted to help meet the guidelines set by the state and health department. Our goal is to keep everyone safe and healthy and to serve our neighbors in a way that provides the least exposure.
We have not only seen consistent attendance by our regulars, but also a constant influx of new families as the pandemic continues. For our Rogers location, that looks like 6 new families each week. SIX! With the increase and the demand on our supplies, we've stretched our monthly budget for each location but have continued to be amazed by our volunteers who continue to donate food, supplies, and money to help each event be successful during these uncertain times.

How to donate to a specific Laundry Love location in NWA!
This year, we only have ONE fundraiser for all three locations but you can still give towards a specific city's program!
Simply add the city's name you wish to support in the NOTES section of the Donation page! All donations that do not have a note included will be applied to the general donations fund to be split between all three Laundry Love locations.
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