Hi friends and family,
I need your help...your partnership. :)
It has been on my heart the last many months to serve on a mission trip of some sort and an opportunity has arisen with a group I very much respect and trust. I have decided to serve on a mission team with Bridgetown (my local Portland, OR church). The trip is this August 8-19. We will be going to La Villa Esperanza which is a home for at-risk, adolescent girls in Managua, Nicaragua. These girls face the threats of hunger, emotional distress, and sexual attack. By providing emotionally, spiritually, physically, and relationally, La Villa provides an opportunity for young women to break the cycle of generational poverty that they are often born into.
While the foundation of this trip is the girls at La Villa, each day while the girls are at schools we will go throughout the city on work projects. The hope for the Villa is not just that Jesus would radically impact these girls lives, but that He would also impact the girl’s families, the workers at La Villa, and the surrounding communities. Our team gets a chance to help make that impact by working alongside La Villa’s workers, spending time with the girls daily, and serving where there’s a need in Managua.
I am expectant that God will use this trip not only in the lives of those we love on and work alongside but also to further shape me. I am excited and ready to give of myself in going to serve but the cost is too steep for me to manage alone. Would you please consider even a small donation to make this trip possible? I would be so grateful to have your support and appreciate the time you took to read this through! Love to you all.
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