learning about justice issues like cyclical poverty. Do you know that 1000's of people living within two hours of our southern border struggle with access to clean water, education and medical care? Have you considered the difference those privileges make? You will work alongside organizations that are breaking the cycles and truly making a difference.
living in intentional community, where everyone is accepted, each voice and perspective matters. Housing will be in dorms with bunk beds. Our food will be prepared by locals- authentic and delicious. Sorry in advance...this may ruin your tastebuds for the taco you buy down the street in your home town.
working alongside one or our many Mexican partners. You will definitely swing a hammer, mix concrete, dig a ditch, or raise a wall under the direction of an indigenous leader. Projects could include house builds for local families, working on schools, medical clinics, orphanages, migrant shelters. Other projects may include preparing and serving meals, leading children's activities or whatever our local partner organizations need at the time of your trip. There will be plenty of time to play with kids and practice your Spanish!
If you are looking for an experience that will stretch you, help you discover more of yourself, your strengths, passions, this world, the Mexican culture and it's complexities, a place to wrestle with the tough questions of life, faith, God and want to serve in thoughtful, intentional ways that maintain dignity of all involved and leave a lasting impact...
This trip is for you! Space is limited. Sign up today!
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