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Marin Rhodes 2025 Ethiopia Trip - ET25C

Marin Rhodes 2025 Ethiopia Trip - ET25C

Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Amount Raised

About this Fundraiser

Our Watermark Church young adults team will be partnering with Ethiopian believers, sharing Christ & planting churches in remote parts of Ethiopia where they have never heard the name of Jesus. I’m so excited for this opportunity to take the gospel to the nations. The Lord has been working in my life and changing my heart dramatically over the past 9 months since moving to Dallas, TX. One of the ways specifically is His view on missions. He has taught me that everyone should have a chance to hear the gospel because it is such good news and He is such a good God. Regardless if I have 1 conversation or get to walk with someone their whole life, each person is deserving of the chance of hearing about Jesus. We are called to be faithful and share and He is responsible for changing hearts and redeeming. It is nothing I do, I just get to say yes. I’ve seen this play out in serving at the Porch and it’s been amazing. I can’t wait to see it happen in Ethiopia. Another reason I’m so excited for this trip is all the training we get before hand. This training is helping us for Ethiopia, but really for everyday conversations with friends and coworkers! Thank you for your prayers and support :)

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  • $3,750 One-time Goal
  • $3,750 Still Needed
  • 100 Lives Impacted
  • 139 Days To Go

Trip Information

Field Partner

e3 Partners 130M
Plano, TX, US
e3 Partners equips Christians with the training and tools they need to make a lasting i...
All donations go directly to e3 Partners as per Pure Charity's Terms and Conditions
Fundraise for this Cause

Fundraiser Organizer

Marin Rhodes
Dallas, Texas, United States

Region Map

Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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139 Days to go
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Marin Rhodes 2025 Ethiopia Trip - ET25C

by Marin Rhodes 100 Lives Impacted Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Our Watermark Church young adults team will be partnering with Ethiopian believers, sharing Christ & planting churches in remote parts of Ethio...

$0 One-time Donations
  • $3,750 One-time Goal
  • $3,750 Still Needed
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