McKenzie Wimpee 2025 Ethiopia Trip
by McKenzie Wimpee 100 Lives Impacted Ethiopia
Oh my goodness! Thank you thank you for being here! Our God is SO beautiful !! This past year, after being wrecked by the Holy Sp...
Oh my goodness! Thank you thank you for being here!
Our God is SO beautiful !!
This past year, after being wrecked by the Holy Spirit, I have an urgency in my heart that I cannot deny is from our Good and Gracious God! He has walked me through seasons of dependency where I am brought back to the simplicity of this life we get to live with Christ: He is the Shepherd and we are His sheep!
Psalm 23 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."
Want what? Want comfort, want success, want my idea of a perfect life above His prosperous plans....
Have you ever noticed sheep are much more interested in feeding than leading? This is the good news of the gospel! We get to "feed" - meditate on God's Word, His character, His promises for His people, and do not have to worry about leading the way in which we may believe to be righteous. We instead look to Jesus Christ who IS "The Way" !!
Because sheep do not look for leading, they look only to the one who leads!!
If the Lord has made anything abundantly clear during this past year, it is to continue to fall more and more in love with Him every second of my day!
Why Go to the Nations?
I praise Jesus every day for the urgency I feel to "...go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). Abiding in Jesus as a disciple is simply the most beautiful thing anyone could ever experience, and I WANT TO SHARE THAT!!
I get so emotional thinking about the people in our world who have never even heard of the Holy name of Jesus! Lord, may we be people who are unashamed to share this gift of GOOD news not just in our city/state, but to the nations, for they are ALL your people and
"...we like sheep have gone astray" (Isaiah 53:6).!!
Fully committing to this trip means that I am leaning into my Jesus like never before. God, I am trusting you when things feel scary. God I am trusting you to speak through me. But ultimately, God I am trusting that your ways are HIGHER than my ways (Isaiah 55:9) and that I will encounter your spirit like never before in the beautiful country of Africa. Leaving my fears and overwhelming thoughts at the beautiful feet of Jesus, I exchange my weakness for His strength.
How You Can Be a Part of This?
This trip is such an honor and a blessing to get to be a part of!! I need to raise $3,750 to cover ministry resources, food, stay, and travel. You can be a part of this mission with me by supporting in any of these ways:
Pray - It would mean so much if you would join alongside our team and I in praying for the hearts of the Ethiopian people to be hungry for change within their village, and that this would be the mighty name of Jesus! Pray that our team would see the glory of God revealing Himself to us on the trip. Pray for health, safety, and protection traveling overseas!
Share - Please feel free to share this information with community, church members, friends....
Give Financially - Any donation you make directly cover the costs for this trip as well as resources to serve the local church. Your donation can be securely given at:
I am so overwhelmed with gratitude that you took the time to read this and prayerfully consider your support!! None of this would be possible if it was not for your support AND provision of OUR GOOD SHEPHERD!!!
Let's go gather the lost sheep together!!
With so much love,
Kenzie ♡
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