Hi, guys! I am thrilled to be returning to Ethiopia this Summer and continue the work that God has so graciously allowed me to take part in!
This Summer our team is partnering with local Ethiopian believers to make disciples in areas that are unreached and/or hostile to the gospel. Ultimately, the purpose of this trip is to support the work that is being done by the local church in more difficult areas, so our role is often to open doors and spark gospel conversations in areas where local Christians are not welcome under normal circumstances.
After we leave, Ethiopian believers continue the work in areas we visited by discipling those who have responded to the message.
I am excited to see how God will work in and through us this Summer. Many of you know how God has grown my heart for the nations throughout these years; I am beyond grateful to continue my involvement in overseas disciple-making. My greatest ask is that you would join us in prayer as we prepare for this trip.
Things to pray for:
- That God would prepare the hearts of those who will hear, that they will receive God.
- That the local Church in Ethiopia will continue God's work with a bold spirit even when facing persecution
- That our team and Ethiopian believers would work united under Christ
- For protection against spiritual warfare before, during, and after the trip
- That God would move and His name would be glorified above all else
Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I proclaim it clearly, as I should."
- Colossians
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