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Mission to S. Sudanese Women in Refugee Camps

I am so excited that I am finally getting ready go to visit my friends and the people that we have worked with over the years in South Sudan. I am sorry that I will not be able to see them in their own country but nevertheless I will get to be with them even though it will be in the refugee camps of Uganda where the South Sudanese have fled for refuge and safety from clashes of rival military groups that have driven them from their homes and villages.

Since 2007 I have been going to South Sudan and working with First Baptist Church of Kajo Keji and church planting teams to plant new churches in South Sudan.
During this time there have been over 300 new churches started.

Over the past couple of years 100's of thousands of South Sudanese have had to leave their homes because of Civil War. Many have had to run taking nothing with them but the clothes on their backs to save their lives and the lives of their children. They have run to refugee camps in Uganda and other bordering countries for safety. For sometime now we have not been able to go into South Sudan safely because of the volatility there. However, there are now opportunities  to go into the refugee camps and encourage and strengthen the people and churches that are being started in the camps.

Over the years I have also worked with Rose Dima who is the Women's Ministry leader at First Baptist Church of Kajo Keji in South Sudan. On different occasions we have gone to villages in South Sudan to disciple and encourage the women and have done different projects with them and held women's conferences . I am very excited about this trip to work with Rose and Joyce again and to visit in two or three of the Refugee Camps in Uganda where the South Sudanese Refugees are now living and to visit with 6 of the churches that are planted there. We will be teaching and encouraging the women and strengthening the church.

I am planning to leave December 6th and return on December 16th.  I will again work with First Baptist Church of Wudu/Kajo Keji and Pastor Edward Dima and his wife Rose and David Kaya as we visit the camps to encourage them (Pastor Edward is also President of the South Sudan Baptist Convention).

I am asking that you would please consider going with me through giving to the outreaches we are planning and also go with me through praying for us as we minister to the churches in the camps. The following are some of the things we hope to do and use as a platform to share the Gospel as we reach out and encourage and disciple the women, men and children in the camps.

Things I would like to provide through this trip:

Maama Kits( clean delivery kits) -Provide at least 50 @ $10.00ea

Each mama kit contains plastic sheeting, razor blades, cotton wool (gauze pad), soap, gloves, cord ties, and a child health card. Each kit also includes an instruction sheet in both English and Luganda. All of the supplies are sealed so that they remain sterile until needed.

A Maama Kit is needed even when a new mama to be goes to the hospital for delivery and also needed if it is a midwife assisted delivery out in the villages.

Hygiene Kits/Afripads - Provide 50 @ 5.00ea . DAYS for Girls Ministry was able to provide 10 of these kits and we plan to purchase 50 more in Uganda.

These are used for new mothers after childbirth and allow girls to stay in school during their menstrual cycle. Many girls miss a week of school each month because they haven't any means of controlling their flow.

New Baby Kits -Provided by friends in Kansas City

They say that many times they do not even have rags to wrap a new baby in therefore a simple pack like this is a real blessing to a new mother and baby. The kit includes 2 cloth diapers and diaper pins, 1 undershirt, 1 cap, a light blanket, towel, washcloth and a bar of Ivory soap.

Soccer Balls with pumps for each of the 6 churches. 
12@ $13.00ea.

Now it is obvious these guys need soccer balls to help expend some of their energy. I am told the children in these camps need this exercise and the opportunity to play soccer will draw them to the church.

Raise Money for Ebenezer Baptist School Feeding Program

Sometimes this meal at school may be the only meal these children have each day. 

Be able to leave a love offering for Beans and Maize to make Posho as the people are not receiving adequate nourishment. I am told that a weeks rations for a family is a cup of beans and a cup of maize meal

There are medical needs that need to be met in the camps so I would like to leave an offering for that
purpose too.

We also hope to provide a meal for each church that we visit and teach at. It is estimated that it will cost around $200 x 6 churches = $1200.) The church will cook the meal and we will provide the food that is to be cooked.

Last but certainly not least
I will be taking with me around 200 little girl dresses of various sizes provided by Dress a Girl Around the World in California

Bendable Smiley Guys donated by a sweet chaplain friend!

Another dear friend has donated her wedding dress to our WEDDING DRESS MINISTRY at First Baptist Church, Kajo Keji, South Sudan.

Matthew 25: 35 - For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in,36 - I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.’

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Mansfield, TX, AF
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Jeanie Tidwell
Mansfield, Texas, United States

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Ended - May 01, 2018
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Mission to S. Sudanese Women in Refugee Camps

by Jeanie Tidwell 350 Lives Impacted Uganda

Mission to S. Sudanese Women in Refugee CampsI am so excited that I am finally getting ready go to visit my friends and the people that we h...

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