Mweruka Junior School provides excellent quality education in a Christian environment for 400 children in grades PK through 7th grade. The school is located near Mweruka village in a remote, very poor area of Uganda. There is a one-time funding requirement of $44,000 and an ongoing requirement of $400/month to fund services necessary to operate the school and continue and improve the quality of education.
The one-time funds of $44,000 will purchase new books for the school Library, provide computers and equipment necessary to establish a computer lab, purchase equipment necessary to start a music program, purchase sports equipment, and purchase furniture and equipment for staff offices and classrooms.
Ongoing funding of $400/month will provide classroom supplies for teachers, annual Outstanding Teacher Awards, Children Awards Program, Employee Service Awards, monthly wire transfer fees, and transportation of supplies to the school and transportation of students & teachers to various school sponsored group events.
Every donation whether large or small helps us achieve our goals. If you are not able to donate, please give the opportunity to someone else by promoting this fundraiser on Facebook, Twitter and in your other social circles.
Since Pure Charity and Blessings of Joy are IRS certified as 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, every dollar you contribute is tax deductible.
Thanks for taking a moment to read this and thank you for giving. Every bit helps children in desperate need.
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