Mweruka Junior School provides a very good education to +/-400 underprivaledged children in grades pre-kindergarten through 7th grade in a very poor, rural area in Uganda near Mweruka Village. We are blessed to have a largely, long-serving group of Teachers and Administrators that provide a quality of education recognized by the Ugandan government as being the best in the region.
The average monthly salary of our Staff is $160. The purpose of this fundraiser is to ask individuals to consider donating $160/month on an ongoing basis to cover the cost of one salary. However, should you not be able to donate the full $160/month, being able to contribute part of a salary every month or even make a on-time donation would be greatly appreciated and helpful. If you are not able to donate, please pass this opportunity to someone else by promoting this fundraiser on Facebook, Twitter and in your other social circles.
Pure Charity and Blessings of Joy are recognized as 501(c)(3) organizations by the IRS. Therefore, every dollar donated is Tax Deductible as a charitable donation.
Thanks for taking a moment to read this and thank you for giving. Every bit helps children in desperate need.
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