As husband and wife, God has lead us to, and through, some life-changing experiences and a new door has opened for us to be a part of others' life-changing journeys. This summer we are very thankful and excited about the opportunity to travel to Puno, Peru to share our personal testimonies, begin new churches and walk alongside our new brothers and sisters as they invite Christ to be their personal savior. Courtney was able to join the mission in Cusco, Peru last year, which was an amazing experience, and we are very fortunate to have the opportunity to be together for this years mission. Puno
is located on the banks of Lake Titicaca, the word's highest elevation fresh
water lake. This is the first time e3 Partners has worked in Puno Peru. We will
be working with national leaders, pastors and church leaders from around the
city of Puno to plant new churches in this city. Many people in Puno have never been asked the
question, “do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?" Help us by praying for the city of Puno and, if you are able, by donating financially to our trip. We love and appreciate you all!
-Phil and Courtney Collins
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