I have been given the opportunity to go to Northern India for 12 days in September to serve with an organization called 99 Balloons. They work to support disabled children and those who take care of them.
I will be part of a team of healthcare professionals (PT/OT/SLP), special educators and other volunteers training and doing hands on work to help caregivers and other professionals recognize, understand and treat disabilities in their communities. In addition, our team will provide respite services for families, direct care for children with disabilities, and medical clinics. A portion of the team will be building an inclusive playground for children with and without disabilities to enjoy each other. We will be working with a disability support center which serves over 180 villages in the rural foothills of the Himalayas.
Fortunately I was blessed with a great job right out of PT school, and I am planning to cover as much of the cost of the trip that I can manage, but I cannot do it all alone! So I am asking if you would consider buying into the work that I will be doing - in prayer, moral support, and financially as you feel led. I started a fundraising page on Pure Charity to raise the funding that I need for the time that I am there. I have a one time single donations goal of $3,000.00 that will go towards the cost of the trip. I hope that you will prayerfully consider being part of this opportunity with me!
Every donation is important and will enable me to be present and use the education that God has given me to help a community in need. I would also appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.
Thank you so much for being a part of my life and helping me accomplish something that is so important!
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