Mweruka Junior School only provides education through the 7th grade. Higher education is not provided free by the government in Uganda. A High School, Trade School, or University education is costly.
Therefore, each year the Teachers and Adminstrators at Mweruka Junior School choose one boy and one girl who, based on their Primary Leaving Exam (Graduation) Scores and ability, are awarded scholarships to attend Higher Education. In most cases, the amount of the scholarship is not sufficient to cover the full cost of the higher education - either the family has to help with the cost or the student may need to have a part-time job to help. But the largest portion of the cost is covered by them scholarship. At any given time, there may be as many as 12 students on scholarship.
By contributing $65 per month you can provide a scholarship and greatly improve the possibility for a successful life for a student. However, larger contributions are welcome as are smaller monthly contributions or one-time amounts. If you are not able to donate, please pass the opportunity to someone else by promoting this fundraiser on Facebook, Twitter and in your other social circles.
Since Pure Charity and Blessings of Joy are IRS certified as 501(c)(3) charitable organizations, every dollar you contribute is tax deductible.
Thanks for taking a moment to read this and thank you for giving. Every bit helps students in desperate need.
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