Commit to Support Team Gibbs!
Last year I embarked on what would turn out to be one of the most impactful trips of my life. I prayed to get past all of my doubts and fears of going to a remote foreign place. The resulting journey to the Amazon was eye opening in many ways. The Lord used our teams to impact two villages in Brazil. We were able to serve them, work in their fields alongside them, help with medical and dental needs, and get to share our testimonies with them about the greatest gift that we have ever received.
The trip taught me to go for it in many ways and be bold in sharing the Gospel with people who can only be reached by boat. I saw things I have never seen before as I watched God use our teams to transform these places in a way only He can. I saw a man trying to beat his wife with a hammer one day while she was trying to hit him with a 2x4 with their daughters nearby. We ministered to their whole family. Two days later, a few guys and I were in his canoe on a 2 hour fishing expedition. We had Bible studies in their home. When we met them, he was talking about his wife needing to leave them. Fast forward to May of this year when a team was able to go back to check on things and their family is still together and seem to be thriving. Lives transformed. Lives saved.
I have so many other stories to share from that trip of lives impacted and changed and I am happy to do so as I have a letter already formed if you want it.
However, to keep this short, I'll get to the point. I want you to be a part of Team Gibbs as I go back this year to Brazil in November. Our team will be going to two new villages to help meet physical, emotional and spiritual needs. We will be partnering with local Brazilian churches and river pastors. Acts 1:8 talks about how as Christians we are to share our witness with those in our community, our nation, and abroad. This is my abroad and last year's trip has helped shape how I seek to serve our community while I am home.
The end of John 13 talks about how the world will know that we are disciples of Jesus by the love that we have for one another. That will be what I seek to do. I want to go into these villages and love on these people however I can. If it is working in the jungle with the crops, playing soccer with the kids (which I will be bad at and comic relief), making manioc, listening to their stories, or sharing mine...I want to ultimately share with them the reason for the hope that I have so they can have the same opportunity.
To do this, I need your help.
There are three ways to get involved...
- First off, we still have spots available on the trip and I'd love for you to be a part of this on the ground in Brazil if you can. (update 11/18/15: this might be hard considering we are a few days away :) but if you are loaded and already have a Visa, then it definitely is still possible)
- If not, I need your prayers. Acts 1:8 talks about being witnesses for Christ not by our own will power or on our own strength. Instead the verse leads by saying that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Gang, if I go try to do this in my own power and Bryan's way, I will fail. I need prayers for boldness and that ultimately I will yield to the Holy Spirit and see people as God does.
- Finally, I need financial support. Maybe you can't go but you can send. All of these are equally important to the success of the trip. The trip needs laborers on the ground, it needs prayer, and financial support. It is hard for me to ask for the last one as it is a pride issue, but by asking last year I saw how the Lord can bless others through their giving. That many want to give generously as their way to support sending the Gospel around the world. If you want to donate, just click on the "Donate to this Fundraiser" button below. It is tax deductible.
However you commit to support me this year, I commit to keeping you updated as part of the team. Any help is greatly appreciated.
So, I ask that you prayerfully consider how you can support this effort and be a part of Team Gibbs here in November!
If you have any questions or want to hear more about what the Lord is doing in the Amazon to help you know how to support me, I'm always up for quick show and tell at a Starbucks near you!
Thanks for taking the time to read this. - Bryan
Cell: 512-775-1145
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