Team Serve Sole Hope
by Michelle Hess 20 Lives Impacted Uganda
Hello Team Serve! For March's activity, we will be having a shoe cutting party to benefit a charity called Sole Hope on Wednesday March 25, 6:...
Hello Team Serve! For March's activity, we will be having a shoe cutting party to benefit a charity called Sole Hope on Wednesday March 25, 6:30-8:00 pm at the Farmington City Library. Sole Hope provides care to people in Uganda by removing painful jiggers from their feet and hands, and provides hygiene and prevention education. And are also given a new pair of shoes, hand made in Uganda. Sole Hope's suggested age is 5th grade and above.
Sole Hope employees about 25 full time Ugandan men and women to handcraft our shoes! We are currently making about 20,000 pairs of shoes per year. Closed toed shoes help prevent jigger infestation for people that wear them. They protect feet in harsh conditions, and a source of pride for people that own them.
Our shoes are handcrafted in Uganda, but they start their journey with you! You can use your hands and your old jeans bring new life to vulnerable people in Uganda.
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