In April 2019, a military coup overthrew the government of Sudan that had been in power nearly thirty years (click here for an article; click here for a radio program and prayer requests). Refugees in the camp where we will serve this summer are returning home to Sudan (click here for an article from May 2019). As a result, there are new opportunities to reach people from Sudan with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for opportunities, as we serve refugees in Uganda this summer.
Map of Sudan, South Sudan, and Uganda
Sudan and South Sudan lie to the north of Uganda. To get a sense of the recent religious persecution in Sudan, listen to this radio program (click here), hosted on YouTube, from October 2018.
Notes: The above video has one glaring geographical error. The map below may help you to find it. Click here for the April 2019 National Geographic article referenced in the video; the online article shows interactive photos, comparing refugee settlements in Uganda with the same areas just a few years earlier.
God loves refugees.
He expresses his love for refugees in the early pages of the Bible, when God tells a young Israelite nation, “When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.”
Ugandan refugees need hope.
Northern Uganda, in eastern Africa, has over a million women and children living as refugees. Many of these refugees, like Jesus shortly after his birth, had to flee a brutal regime in the middle of the night and seek refuge in a foreign country where their families became dependent on the hospitality and resources of a host nation and the world’s caring people.
You can help by praying.
Our team will join local pastors to address specific needs and to offer hope through Jesus Christ. Many of the refugees became displaced because of African tribal patterns that continue to fuel wars and personal feuds. Please pray that we can be instrumental in introducing people to the Prince of Peace and helping to rebuild a nation of peace.
Thank you for giving. I am fully funded!
Map of Arua, Uganda and Surrounding Area
More Information
Below are videos (not associated with e3 Partners) that provide some glimpses into the area where we will be serving. For basic facts about the refugee camp, click here.
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