Our "Shoemaking Workshop" will be an integral part of the new Sole Hope compound. By having a proper physical space for our Shoemakers and Tailors to work, we will be able to create more sustainable jobs, produce more shoes - allowing us to treat more people with jiggers, and train apprentices for future development!
LARGER FACILITY FOR GREATER IMPACTThe original plans were for a facility that had space for up to 30 employees. With the purchase of the land on The Nile and the trajectory of Sole Hope, we will be shooting for an audacious goal and doubling that!

Once complete the Sole Hope Shoe Department will be completing
60,000 pairs of shoes a year! Can you believe that over a five-year period that's 300,000 pairs of shoes for 300,000 people who can live their life jigger free! Over a 5 -year period these shoes will cover
3 MILLION TOES!!!! (that's a lot of toes!)
The expanded Workshop will enlarge our area of impact not only with increased shoe production but will also employ 60 individuals who can put their kids through school, who can afford medical care and provide for their families. On average a Sole Hope employee cares for 8 other people in their household. These
60 jobs will support approximately
480 people!
LET'S BUILD THE NEXT STEPThat's where you come in. To build this center for our tailors and shoemakers, we need to raise $70,000 by early 2018, and we know that with your help, we can make it happen. Inspire your office, recruit your classmates, and bring your family along for the ride. $5, $25, and $50 at a time, we are about to take giant strides forward in the fight against jiggers in Uganda! Join us.
As with all of our construction projects in Uganda, this endeavor will provide the dignity of employment through the utilization of a workforce comprised entirely of local Ugandan laborers (most from the community around the Sole Hope Headquarters). This also includes local economic stimulation, as 100% of materials and supplies are purchased exclusively within the local economy.
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