Kayvon Flowers
15 years old Male Belize
Kayvon is a standard 6 (7th grade) student at Burrell Boom Methodist School. He favorite subject is math.
Kayvon is off to his final year in Primary School. We wish him all the best with this school year!
To connect with Kayvon he is on Facebook as “Kayvon Flowers.” Kayvon lives with 7 people, including his mom and brother. Kayvon loves playing cricket, football, and baseball. He also enjoys going fishing. His favorite subject in school is Science. When he grows up, he wants to be a scientist. His favorite season is Summer. His favorite food is tacos. His favorite animal is a dog. He likes learn...
Kayvon attends Burrell Boom Methodist School. Kayvon lives with his mom, brother, 3 sisters, grandmother, and 3 cousins. Kayvon's hobbies include playing sports and drawing. His favorite subject in school is Math. When Kayvon grows up he wants to be an artist.
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